On Being Wicked Read online

  On Being Wicked

  Tielle St. Clare

  Takes place in the world of Fairy Dust and Marvin and the Three Bears.

  Discovering a prince is secretly visiting her prisoner, Rapunzel, the evil witch decides to punish them both—until a little harmless meddling from a substitute Fairy Godmother transforms her from harried hag to horny hottie.

  Now there’s no time for hexing, what with all the sexing, including a hands-on (and mouth-on…and tongue-on) warm-up courtesy of Rapunzel and her prince, and a lusty punishment from two gorgeous guys who put the “wood” in “woodsmen”.

  The witch is about to discover just how wicked she can be.

  Inside Scoop: This story has just enough sexed-up Fairy Dust to produce a hint of female/female fun, a pinch of male/male pleasure and a heaping helping of ménage.

  A Romantica® fantasy erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave

  On Being Wicked

  Tielle St. Clare

  Chapter One

  Marvin reached his hands above his head and stretched, savoring the strain in his muscles, the ache in his ass. He smiled at the not-so-subtle reminder of how he’d spent the night.

  Flu had taken down half the Fairy Godmothers in Fairy Tale Land and he hadn’t been able to visit his Bears for three days. Papa Bear had taken out his frustration on Marvin’s ass in the most delightful way.

  Marvin giggled. He might have to miss a few visits if that was the reaction he got from Alex.

  And perhaps not by choice. Several Fairy Godmothers were still out so he had to jump back into the role. This morning he was monitoring Rapunzel. He sighed. It was one of his least favorite tales. Everyone was miserable for most of the story.

  He glanced into the Looking Glass and waited as the scene cleared. The tale began. The woman who lived next door stole the lettuce from the witch’s backyard. The witch demanded the couple’s child as payment.

  “If anyone needs to get laid, it’s her,” Marvin muttered. “Getting pissy because someone ate your lettuce?”

  He looked over at the sparkling, silver-and-gold Happily Ever After Fairy Dust spinning in its jar on the counter. That’s what she needs…some of Marlena’s special sexed-up Fairy Dust.

  He chuckled. No, he couldn’t do that. It would be wrong.

  And a little bit funny.

  But wrong.

  He tapped his fingers on the edge of the Looking Glass, reminding himself that as second-in-command of Fairy Tale Land, he had responsibilities. He couldn’t just change a tale because he didn’t like it.

  But then he thought about how well his own tale had turned out. Maybe mixing up some of the traditional stories wasn’t such a bad idea…

  He sighed and continued monitoring the story. The tale progressed as it should. Rapunzel locked in the tower, growing up, her hair growing long. The witch visiting and calling for the hair to be dropped down.

  I can’t believe kids read this shit, he thought. Who would have a braid long enough and strong enough to support the weight of a human body? And the witch is no lightweight.

  Marvin sighed again. At last, it was almost time to add the regular Happily Ever After Fairy Dust. The prince walked toward the tower, ready to visit his beautiful blonde. The witch stepped out of the forest, freezing as she saw the prince call for Rapunzel to let down her hair.

  Damn, this story needs a boost.

  His gaze flicked once again to the sexed-up Fairy Dust, the sparkles swirling lazily in the jar.

  “Oh, what the hell.”

  Before he could think better of it, Marvin grabbed the jar and scooped out a small handful. He took a breath, closed his eyes and opened his palm over the Looking Glass.

  The gold-and-silver sparkles floated down toward the scene. He waited. Listening. Holding his breath until he heard the telltale, “Ah-choo!”

  The edge of his mouth kicked up in a knowing smile and he leaned over the side to watch.

  * * * * *

  Malicia strode through her dark forest. A cold bite to the air suited her mood. Keeping a girl locked in a tower was all well and good in theory, but it took maintenance. She had to feed the girl occasionally.

  She should have come yesterday but had decided it would do the girl good to be hungry for a day or so. Remind the girl why she was in the tower in the first place. Show her what happens when people steal from a witch. Malicia released a cackle that echoed against the naked trees of the forest.

  The barren branches tugged on her long skirts. Malicia yanked the voluminous robes from the grasp of the bewitched trees. She’d hexed them herself; they were designed to trip and grab any fleeing pretty young things.

  The edge of the forest opened onto a field, the tower sitting in the center, with no cover nearby. It did much to discourage any noble heroes from sneaking up and attempting to rescue her captive.

  Malicia had almost stepped out of the protection of the woods when she realized she wasn’t alone. A tall, handsome man stalked across the field as if he owned it, no fear of discovery in his manner, no furtive looks. He boldly approached the tower and called out.

  “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!”

  Malicia gasped. He knew the code phrase.

  The thick blonde braid fell from the third-story window and landed with a thump against the stone tower. Rapunzel leaned out the window and waved, greeting him with a smile and a glow of pure happiness.

  It obviously wasn’t his first visit. The little bitch was expecting him.

  The unyielding lump that used to be Malicia’s heart rolled over in disgust.

  Some princeling thinks he can visit my captive? Give her happiness? Rescue her?

  Her teeth creaked as she ground them together, a perfectly fiendish revenge plot developing in her brain. She watched the princeling climb the voluminous braid, skipping up the wall of the tower as if it were no more difficult than going up a set of stairs. Malicia had to drag herself up, listening to Rapunzel’s cries that she was too heavy.

  The princeling reached the top and slipped through the open window. Even from a distance, Malicia could hear their cries of innocent joy.

  The blonde braid dangled forgotten out the window.

  Malicia fluffed her skirts and stalked across the field. She would wait until the princeling left but the next time he visited, she’d be ready for him. A croaking noise—similar to a laugh but more rusty and harsh—bubbled in her throat. She would watch Rapunzel’s heart break as she destroyed the princeling.

  As the wicked witch reached the bottom of the tower, a strange light filled the sky, giving the world a golden hue. She paused and looked up, instantly and oddly reluctant to be touched by the illumination.

  This isn’t normal. Something’s definitely wrong.

  Malicia’s chest ached, throbbing with a foreign pain, as if the ice around her heart had cracked. A strange hopeful sensation flooded her soul. A shiver ran up her spine, as if her body were trying to push away the positive emotion. She wasn’t—

  Silver sparkles floated to the ground and her nose twitched.


  Two matching sneezes echoed from the open window.

  The strangest feelings overcame Malicia, warmth and well-being enveloping her.

  And she had the uncomfortable urge to smile.

  But that couldn’t be. She never smiled, except for when she’d hexed someone or tripped a beggar on the street.

  She shook her head. Something decidedly weird was happening. Every evil thought that normally spun through her brain seemed painted with hearts and flowers.

  Even her body felt different—lighter, stronger and less hunched. The heavy cloaks hung on her shoulders like weights. The strange shivers across her skin turned into tingles, as if her b
ody was coming alive.

  Ignoring the annoying sensations, she waited, ready to duck out of sight when the princeling climbed down. Then she would take care of the little bitch in the tower and be ready for the princeling the next time he arrived.

  She waited. And waited.

  What can they being doing up there? she thought with a huff. Never mind. The braid swung lazily in the breeze. I’ll just climb up and toss the princeling out the window myself. Let the birds peck his eyes out for his punishment.

  She grasped the dense hair and pulled herself up. The strain that normally drained her muscles had vanished. She hiked up the side of the tower like a mountain goat, using the braid to keep her balance.

  Barely out of breath, she placed the heels of her hands on the window ledge and pushed up, ready to surprise the daring princeling and her little bitch.

  “Ah-ha!” she announced as she threw herself over the ledge. Long black hair swung across her face so she flipped it over her back, expecting the startled, terrified stares of Rapunzel and the princeling.

  But no shocked couple stood before her.

  The room isn’t that big, she mentally groused. Where can they—

  A long, high wail floated through the air and Malicia followed the sound to the bed—where her breath caught in her throat.

  She stared at the bed—the thin, crappy mattress she’d supplied so no one could claim she’d abused Rapunzel—and swallowed a yelp.

  Two bodies, naked except for the worn sheet that lay crumpled at their ankles, occupied the barren mattress. The princeling’s bare ass pumping up and down.

  Malicia gasped. They’re fucking. She blinked, thinking the image would change, but no, they were fucking. She knew what it was though she could swear she’d never seen it before.

  Strange memories that didn’t feel like hers tickled the back of her mind, of a big sweaty man on top of her, driving his cock into her pussy.

  She shook her head, trying to clear the image. Even if she’d experienced sex before she didn’t think it was like this. She would have remembered something so energetic and, well…naked.

  “Yes, Handy, please. Harder. Come inside me. Let me feel it.” Rapunzel’s cries echoed around the chamber.

  Unable to look away, Malicia stepped to the side, instinctively searching for a better view, not wanting to disturb the couple.

  A new sensation fluttered in her core, tempting little tingles that made her want to squeeze her knees together. The lean muscles of the prince’s ass contracted, rocking his hips forward, driving him over and over again into Rapunzel’s pussy. Her fingers dug into those taut muscles, pulling him deeper with each thrust. High-pitched cries escaped Rapunzel’s throat as she got closer and closer to climax.

  Malicia opened her mouth, prepared to order them to stop. This wasn’t right. Rapunzel was a captive, miserable, trapped in a tower. She wasn’t supposed to be fucked senseless by a lovely princeling. It had to be against some rule.

  But the wild pleasure etched on Rapunzel’s face trapped the words in Malicia’s throat. Her heart gave a slow turn as she watched. And the foreign sensation in her pussy grew stronger. Her hips rocked to the beat of the princeling’s thrusts. She had the strangest desire to slide her hand between her legs. She gripped the folds of her gown to keep from acting on the urge.

  Rapunzel’s cries got louder. Her back arched and her hips pumped up, taking the princeling one more time. Her scream bounced off the round tower walls, deafening Malicia and almost, but not quite, drowning out the groan that erupted from the princeling’s mouth. Tension strained his back muscles, freezing him in place for one torturous moment before he collapsed forward onto Malicia’s blonde captive.

  Rapunzel’s legs curled around the princeling’s hips and her hands smoothed over his sweaty back. He groaned and rocked his hips against hers, tiny thrusts, as if he wanted to draw out the final bits of pleasure. The princeling nuzzled Rapunzel’s neck and murmured soft words of love. Rapunzel hummed a wordless response.

  Warmth flooded Malicia’s chest as she observed the couple in their afterglow. Tear’s pricked the edges of her eyes at the tender affection between the lovers. It was so sweet.


  The word shook her to the center of her being. She didn’t like sweet. She was a wicked witch!

  Determined to be just that, and even more determined to see the shocked, frightened looks on their faces when they realized they’d been discovered, Malicia planted her fists on her hips and waited for the couple to notice her.

  And waited.

  Unfortunately, they seemed unaware of anything except each other.

  Finally she huffed out a sigh. Guess I’ll have to let them know I’m here.

  “Ah-ha!” Malicia shouted, this time loud enough that they had to hear.

  Rapunzel yelped and the princeling rolled over, boldly placing himself in front of his ladylove.

  Malicia gasped. The princeling’s cock was still erect, still slick from Rapunzel’s pussy juices. Malicia tried not to stare but for such a slim man, he had a nice long cock.

  She gave herself a shake and remembered why she was there.

  “I’ve caught you,” she announced.

  Rapunzel peeked over the princeling’s shoulder. Malicia waited for the familiar rush of pleasure as the fear entered the girl’s eyes.

  But Rapunzel’s blue eyes just got wide and glowed with a hunger Malicia had never seen before.

  “Ooh, Witchy, you look yummy!” She nudged the princeling, moving him so she could get out of the bed. Malicia’s own eyes widened as Rapunzel stood. The long-legged blonde looked nothing like the innocent young woman she visited every day.

  Slim hips, high round breasts, love bites on her neck and…

  Short-cropped blonde hair.

  Malicia looked down. The blonde braid lay on the floor, forgotten, the end tied around the bedpost.

  “What have you done?” she screamed.

  Rapunzel fingered the shortened locks. “Don’t you love it? That braid was so heavy it was giving me a headache. Handy cut it for me.”

  The princeling stood up to join Rapunzel, hands on her hips, his hard cock likely poking her in the back. “Just doing my part to help,” he said with a smile that practically twinkled.

  “And who the hell are you?” she asked.

  “I’m the Handsome Prince.”

  “I call him Handy. Isn’t he gorgeous?” Rapunzel moved to the side so Malicia could see him. “Handy” blushed but stood still while Malicia checked out his body. Rapunzel ran her hand down his chest, her fingers tripping across the flat nipples and clearly defined muscles.

  The kid was cute, a little skinny for Malicia’s tastes. Her eyes dropped to the still-hard cock jutting from his body. That might make up for it.

  “And you must be the witch. I’ve heard so much about you.” He held out his hand. “I’m pleased to meet you.”

  “What? No. You can’t be ‘pleased’ to meet me.” She stepped back, refusing to take his hand. “I’m the wicked witch. You’re supposed to be afraid of me. I’ll hex you,” she warned.

  Rapunzel giggled. “Witchy, you’re so funny. She tends to be a little cranky.” She smiled at Handy. “You get used to it after a while.”

  “I bet it’s because she wears all those heavy clothes,” Handy said, his low voice inspiring new tingles in Malicia’s sensitive places.

  “I bet you’re right.” Rapunzel moved forward, closing the distance between them in five slinky steps. “You’re probably just hot. Let’s get these robes off you.”

  Malicia’s protests were muffled as two sets of hands grabbed the outer layer and dragged it off over her head. She had to admit that did feel better. The tower was sweltering. A delicate breeze floated through the air and cooled her skin.

  The black gown that had hung by a normally tight collar now sagged down her chest.

  Rapunzel reached for the black gown.

  “No, that’s fine.”

“It’s way too hot. Let’s get you cooled off.” The dress slipped off easily as well, leaving Malicia standing in her shift. The thin material was almost see-through and hung off one shoulder, practically baring her breasts. “Ooh, that’s definitely better.” Rapunzel didn’t wait this time. She just grabbed the shift and yanked it off.

  Leaving Malicia naked.

  She froze, hands clenched at her sides, mind racing. Her first instinct was to cover herself but the stunned looks on Rapunzel’s and Handy’s faces kept her locked in position. Maybe I’ll just hex them and be done with it!

  “Oh, Witchy, look what you’ve been hiding beneath all those clothes.”

  Malicia didn’t look down. She knew what she looked like—a classic wicked witch. Hooked nose with a hairy wart, hunched back, sagging skin, frumpy body. But Rapunzel’s crooning continued and she couldn’t resist glancing into the mirror on the far side of the room.

  Her throat tightened as though a hand squeezed it. That wasn’t her, was it? How was it possible?

  The crooked nose and wart were gone. So was the slumped body and wrinkles. Her previously gray, tangled hair hung down in long black strands that brushed the tips of her breasts.

  Barely able to breathe, she looked down at her body.

  She wasn’t slim or coltish like Rapunzel. She was rounded, her curves in the right places—hips and ass and tits. Her breasts no longer hung to her waist. They were high and large, more than a handful for most men. Definitely more than Rapunzel’s small mounds.

  She watched in the mirror as the young woman traced a line around the curve of Malicia’s breast, drawing closer to the center until she flicked her finger across the nipple.

  The teasing caress sent a powerful jolt into her pussy.

  “Handy, come feel. Her skin is so soft.”

  Malicia stood there, knowing she should back up or warn Rapunzel to step away but the slim fingers made another pass over her nipple, tripping across the peak, the sensation filtering into her core. She gasped.

  The prince approached, an arrogant smile curving his lips, making her want to hex him just for the fun of it, but then he reached out and cupped her other breast.